Feeling Anxious, Overwhelmed or
You've come to
the right place.

Stress, anxiety & worry can dramatically affect your health and reduce your quality of life.
Relationships are everywhere. We are interconnected. It is your birthright to have a relationship with your Self and with others. If past or current life events get in your way, they become obstacles that are keeping you from living fully. Whether it’s physical sensations, racing thoughts, big emotions, or patterns that are keeping you stuck, these things aren’t happening because there is something wrong with you. They are happening because everything is right with you. Science backs this up.Â
Things are getting in the way of you creating positive change for yourself. And yes, the following things are true and hard to swallow: life is hard sometimes, things don’t always go according to plan, and unexpected things do come your way. This is also true: you can create change and make life a whole lot better than you realize.
Social isolation, a new diagnosis, loss, past events, or changes in relationships are just a few examples of life events that can lead to changes in your behaviours, body, thoughts, and feelings. These  natural neurological responses to stressful situations can feel scary and uncertain when you don't understand what is happening. More importantly, feeling stuck or dysregulated gets in the way of your well-being, relationships, and quality of life.
You are not alone being stuck.
19% of Canadian adults screened positive for major depressive disorder in spring 2021
15% of Canadian adults screened positive for generalized anxiety disorder in spring 2021
70% of mental health problems have their onset during childhood or adolescence.
Young people aged 15 to 24 are more likely to experience mental illness and/or substance use disorders than any other age group.
The economic burden of mental illness in Canada is estimated at $51 billion per year. This includes health care costs, lost productivity, and reductions in health-related quality of life.
~ CAMH, 2022
"Most people do not recognize their anxiety for what it is and instead think something is wrong with them. Therefore, the first step to successfully managing anxiety is to learn to understand and recognize it.
Self-awareness is essential."
Source: AnxietyBC
What if there was an effective way to help you get unstuck and feeling better?
What if there was a way to walk through your life with more ease? Struggling with your mind, emotions, and body each day... life is just too short for that. If it feels like you are stuck - "This is just the way I am," we are here to show you ways to get unstuck.
You can heal, feel comfortable within yourself, and overcome the battles with your mind & body. You can be in charge of your life and feel capable and confident. You can have fulfilling relationships; starting first with the relationship with your Self. You can walk through your life feeling strong, empowered, and connected.
Let's work together. At MindWise Counselling, we have skilled therapists who offer specialized support for ADHD, anxiety, trauma, and relationships. They know the way to lead you through the struggles and help you access your birthright: a deep and healthy relationship with your Self and others. We can support you to create connection, deepen skills to understand patterns in your mind & body, and help you learn practical, effective tools to respond to life events.
If you are ready to make positive shifts in your life, we are here to help.

“Being able to feel safe with other people is probably the single most important aspect of mental health; safe connections are fundamental to meaningful and satisfying lives.”
Bessel Van der Kolk
Taylor, a new university graduate, was in their first big job and was paralyzed with anxiety. They were full of self-doubt, worried about not doing their fair share in the office, questioning what their colleagues were thinking of them, and dealing with racing thoughts that made it difficult for them to focus or get tasks done. Taylor knew anxiety was affecting other areas in their life: they wanted to stop feeling so anxious, accept uncertainty, and lean into discomfort.
Taylor learned essential information to understand anxiety, identify how it was showing up in their life, and follow a process to manage it better. They took systematic steps to start managing the thoughts, emotions, and body sensations differently, which led to the change they wanted to see.
Taylor described their anxiety at a 80% when they attended the first session and now rates it at 10%. They are more productive at work and feel confident in their abilities to communicate what they really want or need without being riddled with anxiety. They are no longer filled with "what if..." or unrelenting thoughts and physical symptoms that hold them back from participating in life.
Knowing they had childhood trauma, Finn wanted to heal wounds that were making it impossible for them to move forward without jumping from relationship to relationship, using substances, and living life on an emotional yo-yo string. They found it difficult to keep their thoughts out of the past, feel emotions without overwhelm, or take care of themselves in a loving way.
Slowly and gently, Finn courageously worked through the steps of MindAware 360™ to assess where they wanted change right away. Essential information about the mind-body connection, to understand signals of the nervous system, gently lean into somatic exercises and slowly learn regulation within, led to changes in relationships with Self and others.
With a commitment to making many small steps, Finn now has an understanding of their nervous system and secure attachment. They understand signals of the nervous system, and have knowledge, awareness, and tools to bring connection and compassion into their world.
Starting a new training program, Sherry was coming home each day exhausted from trying to meet expectations and feeling like a failure everyday. Big emotions. Busy brain. Sensitive to feedback. Difficulty following directions. Lack of motivation. Unable to manage daily tasks. She knew there was something wrong, but didn't know what it was.
Sherry identified pieces that were keeping her stuck, and after thorough discussions with the counsellor, completed screening assessments, which she took to her doctor. She then continued counselling to learn more about ADHD to accept the diagnosis, grieve the lost possibilities, and start to implement tools & strategies to manage it.
Today, Sherry feels like she has a ton of bricks off her shoulders. She can move through life with more ease, understands herself more than ever, and continues to work on accepting and managing ADHD. Sherry completed her training program and is working in the field - with some confidence and self assurance she never knew before.